Book raffles are an AMAZING way to engage the students in your class in the reading process, and it can be fairly easy, too!
Here’s how you can get started in your class.
For a few years, we have been doing book raffles in our classroom. This is the easiest thing you could ever imagine, and I promise you, the kids will be fighting to read books you bring into your room! (Fighting in a good way!)
Here’s what you need:
*5-6 new books
*5-6 bins or bags (Here are some bins that will work)
*Raffle tickets (Click here for CHEAP raffle tickets)
I buy a few books from Scholastic using my bonus points. I then put them in front of the bins that I bought from the Dollar Tree. Before the kids come in, I place a raffle ticket on each of their desks. When the kids come in the room, they see these tickets and FREAK! They are so excited to see the new books. The kids go over to check out the new books, and they place their ticket in the bin of the book that they would most like to read. The kids don’t get to keep the books, they simply get to read the book first in our classroom. After the student reads the book, it gets placed into our classroom library for others to read.
The kids LOVE this, and I love that the kids are so eager to read these books and that it’s so cheap! Here’s to hoping this works out in your classroom, too!
Happy Teaching, friends!
-Dan M.