If you’re looking to start the year by teaching your kiddos the power of teamwork, Team Jobs will work perfectly in your classroom. For so many years, I had a few classroom jobs and I assigned one student per job. A couple of years ago, I thought to myself that it may be a good idea to have students work together to complete classroom jobs. So, instead of one student being assigned to each job in the classroom, I instead assigned two students to each job.
First of all, this worked out perfectly, as the students all had jobs. With my class size of 2oish kiddos, I only needed around 10 jobs.
I made a bulletin board set that will help get you started with team jobs in the classroom. Included are 26 classroom jobs, which also include a description of the tasks associated with that job. There is a non-editable file included, as well as a set where you can enter in the specific job duties if they are a little different in your classroom.
Also included are different color schemes. The first year I did this, my entire room was neon colors, so I used the bright green and blue schemes. This year, I have a Hollywood theme, so I am using the red bulletin board. Included are pink, orange, red, blue, green, and burlap color schemes. The job cards are included, as well as the bulletin board title “We Are a Team.” I hope this makes things easy for you, and builds teamwork in your classroom!
I had MANY requests for a burlap version of the bulletin board, so this was recently added. The “We Are A Team” banner is a little different in the burlap version. I would highly suggest getting twine (I got mine from Wal-Mart for .94 cents. You can then place the banner on the twine and hang this on your bulletin board! This was super easy to hang up and looks really nice!
You can check out the bulletin board set here! 🙂
Hope your kiddos enjoy!
Fabulous idea!