Anyone struggling with missing pencils? Here is a plan to help your students NEVER LOSE A PENCIL AGAIN!
Try this out! Each student gets 4 pencils to keep inside of his/her toothbrush holder. Yes, a toothbrush holder! You know, the kind that you can get at Wal-Mart, The Dollar Store, or Amazon! Place the student’s name on the pencil case and have them keep it in his/her desk.
This is optional, but you can give kids a small incentive on Friday if all 4 pencils remain for the entire week!! I give kids time at the very end of the day to sharpen their pencils, but they CANNOT sharpen during lessons. They have four pencils, so if one is broken, they can use another from their pencil holder.
My daughters class is going to be doing this and I think it is a great idea! Thank you!